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Data Upload List

Data Upload List page displays a list of data upload templates. You can filter the list on the basis of template name and template type.

How to create a data template?

1. Click + icon on the top right. Following page will open.

2. Enter the template name.

3. Select template type from the template type drop down.

Note: The Template Type contains configurable template which contains all/selected fields of a table from the database. For example, Webpay template type will contain all the fields from the raw_employee table related to an employee.

4. Click download icon to download the template in excel file and make changes to it as per the client requirement.

5. Click Choose (Max. 5Mb) button to upload the template provided by the client which has to be mapped to the template type. Following page will be displayed.

Column Name All fields are system defined.
Attribute Name list of attributes populated from excel that has been uploaded. You can choose one.
Mandatory can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether column name is mandatory or not.
Validation Type list of validations that define field/column name to behave in a specific way. You can choose one.
Level list of levels. You can choose one.

6. Map the Column Names with the Attribute Names (fields from table in database) from the drop down.

7. Check the Mandatory check box to mark a field as mandatory.

8. Select one of the options from Validation Type drop down.

If Refrential Integrity is selected then system checks for a Content Type. The data entry should be same as mapped to the Content Type. For example, Employee Status is a Content Type. Active, employee status mentioned in the excel file for an employee should match one of the Employee Status option configured.

If Duplicate is selected then system checks for duplicate data entry in excel file.

If Email is selected then system checks whether email has been entered in the correct format.

If Mandatory is selected then system checks whether mandatory information has been filled or not.

If Database Duplicate is selected then system checks for duplicate entry in the database.

9. Select one of the options from Level drop down.

If ERROR is selected then system will not allow you to proceed further till the information entered is corrected and an error message is displayed.

If WARNING is selected then system will allow you to proceed further but a warning message is displayed stating that the input information does not fulfill the validations set.

10. Click + icon to enter another validation rule and level. Repeat steps 6 to 9.

Following page will be displayed.

11. Click Save button. A new data template will be created and added to data upload templates list.

To view validations which have been built while uploading employee data through interface, click on the documents below:

Employee Master

UI Employee Upload Validation

Impact in Alt Worklife

Data Upload List are linked with Data Upload menu items in other modules which impact Alt Worklife. See Data Upload for more details.